https://www.digitalfreedominternational.org | 时间:2008-02-07 19:29:46 | 关注人次[] | 字体设置:

The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation today released the names of the International Technical Officials (ITO) which have been invited to participate in the XIII Paralympic Games in Beijing.

Norbert Kucera, President of the Technical Commission of IWBF announced on behalf of the Commission that the following referees have accepted their appointment:

Cristian Salguero (ARG), Matias Quintana (ARG), Gabe Caligiuri (AUS), Matt Wells (AUS), Rui Marques (BRA), Sebastien Gauthier (CAN), Sergio Giordano (CAN), Jin Zhuo (CHI), Tomas Pajer (CZE), Antonia Gomez Ruf (ESP), Juan Uruñuela (ESP), Valerie Farrugia (FRA), Christopher Gregory (GBR), Ian Pursglove (GBR), Ulli Otto (GER), Max Kindervater (GER), Adrianos Pavlopoulos (GRE), Ziv Radomsky (ISR), Cristian Roja (ITA), Eisuke Kanno (JPN), André Bosveld (NED), Edwin Wallaart (NED), Charles Saunders (RSA), Mei Ho Shuet (SIN), Jonathon Burford (USA)

Kucera was also pleased to confirm that the following will attend as Referee Supervisors:

Sharon Arnold (AUS), Jorge Bestilleiro (BRA), Don Steponchev (CAN), Hans-Dieter Jungmann (GER)

Don Perriman, President of the Player Classification Commission announced on behalf of the Commission that the following classifiers had accepted their appointment:

Sonia Ribeiro (BRA), Anne Lachance (CAN), Trien Dinh (FRA), Kenny Mackay (GBR), Hiroshi Tsunemi (JPN). In addition Perriman will serve as Chief Classifier for the Paralympics.

Ron Coppenrath, President of the Competition Commission of IWBF announced on behalf of the Commission that the following commissioners have accepted their appointment:

Greg Love (AUS), Luc De Knock (BEL), Trevor Kerr (CAN), Detlef Rehling (GER), Nico Viviers (RSA)

Maureen Orchard, Technical Delegate for Wheelchair Basketball, announced that Steve Spilka (GBR), Norbert Kucera (GER) and Jan Berteling (NED) will attend as members of the Tournament Technical Committee. They will work with Ron Coppenrath Assistant Technical Delegate on the TTC.

Orchard noted that there are still a couple of appointments to be made to replace individuals who were not able to accept their invitation. This will be done at a later date.

She also mentioned that IWBF was very pleased with the fact that the ITOs come from 19 National Organizations for Wheelchair Basketball (NOWB). She believes this is the best representation that IWBF has ever been able to achieve and is confident this will help to assure that IWBF has experienced ITOs in each of the four Zones for some time to come.

 来源:中国篮球裁判网  作者:金哨 
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