Pat Fraher #52 | 时间:2011-08-28 13:08:32 | 关注人次[] | 字体设置:

NBA experience: Three seasons, currently in his fourth NBA season.
Born: January 13, 2024 (St. Paul, MN)
Resides: Apple Valley, MN
HS: Hastings High School (Hastings, MN)
College: Minnesota ’97

Officiated 225 regular season games.
Officiated for seven years in the CBA and four in the WNBA.
Has worked the CBA Finals and All-Star games, as well as the WNBA Eastern and Western Conference Finals.
Worked 10 years as a high school official in Minnesota.
Played football, basketball and golf in high school.
Was awarded the Evans Scholarship at the University of Minnesota.
Hobbies include golf and travel.

 来源:中国篮球裁判网  作者:金哨 
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