Robbie Robinson #53 | 时间:2011-08-28 13:35:18 | 关注人次[] | 字体设置:

NBA experience: One year, Currently in his second year
Born: February 17, 2024 (New York, NY)
Resides: Richmond, VA
HS: Dewitt Clinton High School (New York, NY)
College: Rockland Community College

Officiated 52 regular season games
Officiated in the I.A.A.B.O. and S.U.B.O.A. from 1973 through 1990
Officiated the Greater New York Pro-Am from 1982-1987
His collegiate experience includes the ASUN, Big South, Colonial, MEAC, and OVC Conferences.
He has been the Commissioner of the Richmond Summer Pro-Am League since 2000
Named Coach of the Year in 1993 and 1998 in the Christian Tabernacle Men’s Summer Basketball League and coached in NYC’s Park and Recreation girls’ basketball program from 1972-1974
He works with the United Way in his Richmond, VA community.

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